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   Author(s): Valérie MERINDOL
   Title: TITRE
   Posted online on: DD-MMM-2018
   Visibility: xx views as of 15-NOV-2018
   Link to the video:
   Link to the video on YouTube:
   Author(s): Valérie MERINDOL
   Title: Bien gérer l'aménagement des bureaux, c'est crucial !
   Posted online on: 20-MAR-2018
   Visibility: xx views as of 06-MAY-2018
   Link to the video:
   Link to the video on YouTube:
   Author(s): Valérie MERINDOL and David W. VERSAILLES
   Title: La créativité aussi se manage, surtout dans les grandes entreprises
   Published on: 12-APR-2018
   Visibility: 1754 views as of 06-MAY-2018
   Link to the article:
   Author(s): Valérie MERINDOL and David W. VERSAILLES
   Title: TITRE
   Published on: DD-MMM-2018
   Visibility: xxxxx views as of 15-NOV-2018
   Link to the article:
   Author(s): Valérie MERINDOL and David W. VERSAILLES
   Title: TITRE
   Published on: DD-MMM-2018
   Visibility: xxxxx views as of 15-NOV-2018
   Link to the article:
   Author(s): Valérie MERINDOL and David W. VERSAILLES
   Title: TITRE
   Published on: DD-MMM-2018
   Visibility: xxxxxx views as of 15-NOV-2018
   Link to the article:
   Author(s): Valérie MERINDOL and David W. VERSAILLES
   Title: TITRE
   Published on: DD-MMM-2018
   Visibility: xxxxx views as of 15-NOV-2018
   Link to the article:
   Author(s): Valérie MERINDOL
   Title: Le grand oublié du management : la gestion de l’espace physique !
   Published on: 11-OCT-2017
   Visibility: xxxxx views as of 06-MAY-2018
   Link to the article:
   Author(s): David W. VERSAILLES
   Title: Combien coûterait le retour du service national en France ?
   Published on: 12-OCT-2017
   Visibility: 36 909 views as of 07-MAY-2018
   Link to the article:
   Author(s): Valérie MERINDOL and David W. VERSAILLES
   Title: Les plateformes d'innovation: des communautés porteuses de nouvelles dynamiques
   Published on: 11-SEP-2017
   Visibility: 1286 views as of 20-SEP-2017
   Link to the article:
   Author(s): Valérie MERINDOL
   Title: Les entreprises de la nouvelle économie sont-elles vraiment plus efficaces ?
   Published on: 26-JUN-2017
   Visibility: 1931 views as of 20-SEP-2017
   Link to the article:
   Author(s): Valérie MERINDOL
   Title: Innover aujourd'hui dans les grandes entreprises
   Published on: 01-JUN-2017
   Visibility: 1587 views as of 20-SEP-2017
   Link to the article:
   Author(s): Valérie MERINDOL
   Title: Les plates-formes d’innovation, aides précieuses pour les créateurs d'entreprise
   Published on: 02-MAY-2017
   Link to the article:
   Author(s): David W. VERSAILLES
   Title: Interview on RT News on the cost of en eventual return of conscription in France
   Published on: 02-FEB-2018
   Link to the article: