Governance and managerial responsibilities

ISK stands for Innovation, Strategy and Knowledge



ISK Consulting SA is owned by Dr David W. VERSAILLES and Dr Valerie MERINDOL.

Jean-Paul SUSINI, PhD, is a Founding Partner in the company.


Board of administrators

The company organizes with an administration board:

  • Dr David W. VERSAILLES, Administrateur délégué      
    •    +352-0-671 01 21 58
    •    dwv (at)
  • Dr Valerie MERINDOL, Administrateur      
    •    vm (at)
  • Jean-Paul SUSINI, PhD, Administrateur      
    •    jps (at)

Managerial responsibilities

As the "Administrateur délégué", Dr David W. VERSAILLES acts as Managing director for ISK Consulting SA.
David is also the legal representant for the company.

Dr Valerie MERINDOL has a delegation for the negociation and organization of basic and applied research projects.
Jean-Paul SUSINI, PhD, has a delegation for the management of consulting activities in supply chain managament and for the preparation of real estate investements.


Commissaire aux comptes - Auditors

Comitium International SA, RCS Luxembourg B 83.527, L-1651 Luxembourg .